Monday, May 2, 2011

Returning to my job as a flight attendant after over a year reminds me of things I missed and things I really did not miss. Such funny little things, but things none the less.

I missed
1. washing my hands with club soda. seriously, try it. feels so good.
2. people. I missed being around people.
3. Newspapers, and news. First USA Today I had picked up in over a year.
4. Magazines.
5. feeling so young.
6. leaving my kids

I did not miss
1. people, they can be so rude and indecent. most are nice, but those that are not, well...
2. cell phones. and trying to get people to TURN THEM OFF.
3. Airplane turning. Made me sick. I will get used to it.
4. leaving my kids. (yes, it is a two sided coin)
5. peeing on the airplane. enough said.

I am sure there are more. These are immediate reminders. Funny little things, huh?