Sunday, December 21, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas.

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the plane,
Not a creature was stirring, except that shitzu (what a pain)
The people were tucked away up in their seats
in hopes of being ontime for their Christmas treats.

The children were mostly asleep, that's right.
except the one behind you kicked your seat all night!
The drinks were all out, and the stew was back reading.
The first class folks were all finished with their feeding.

When from under the seat, there came such a clatter.
My God! it's that shitzu, what the hell is the matter????
I asked, "Did you drug your dog so he would sleep?"
"No, ma'am, I never thought he would make a peep"

People start looking at this dog, that is yelping,
looking at me, like I should be helping.
I am no dog whisperer, that is all that I know.
But, lady you are disturbing row after row!!

The babies start waking and thinking we are there,
no little babies, we are still in the air!
I smile my Christmas smile, and stand up straight,
it looks, my friend, like we will be an hour late!

The weather is cold, and it might be a bit choppy.
But I put on my lipstick, I can not look sloppy.
We get where we are going, and goodbyes are all said.
after this flight, you better believe my book is all read!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sometimes People get sick. I always dread the thought of someone getting sick on my plane (I mean really sick in a big way, I can deal with vomit)... So, this morning this chick hits her light. I go up there and expect her to ask for a blanket, she tells me she is sick. I get her some food, and ginger ale, and an ice cold wash cloth. I come back and ask if she needs a doctor. I ask more questions, and she decides to try and go to the bathroom. So, I assit her into the first class bathroom, except she doesn't make it. She fainted on me. It was scary, but there was a doctor onboard, and she is fine.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One thing I love about my job is getting all of the magazines people leave behind. I was really out of touch with the Gossip Mags and Entertainment Industry news. ;)

One question....

AM I THE ONLY PERSON THAT DOES NOT THINK MILEY CYRUS IS CUTE? I know let lightening strike me for being so rude, but seriously.... Am I?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just so you know, Flight Attendants are not supposed to lift passenger's bags into the overhead bins. You would be shocked how many people sit down bag in aisle and ask me to put it up for them. Usually, I just tell them I am pregnant, so no, I will not lift your bag... Anyways, my friend Mark, who is no longer a f/a, once had a passenger in the bulkhead, request for Mark to get his bag down. Mark looked at the guy and said something along the lines of..."Why don't you get up and get it yourself" Guy's reply, "I would if my legs were not paralyzed." OOPS. This story always goes thru my mind when someone asks me to get a bag down....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just got home from a trip. It began on Monday morning. I went to the plane and introduced myself to the other crew members. The first officer was there, and had an unidentifiable look on him... His face was holding some sort of a smirk. His pants were weird, too. He has a closet with all of his uniform pieces in it (and that is it)... Apparently that is NOT it. His wife put a pair of her black, boot cut pants in his closet, and he was wearing them! They were snug in all the right places... He is a commuter, so drove to DFW Sunday night, and did not notice until Monday morning. He had these pants on all 3 days of our trip, and it provided a great laugh! I would have taken a picture, but I think he would have KILLED me!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bring on the Turkeys

I was dreading my return to work, as most new moms probably do. At least, it is my belief, that to some extent this is a difficult transition for most new moms. I thought I wanted to quit, but was torn b/c I knew it would be extremely difficult if I ever wanted to be a F/A again, and let's face it... i did not want to lose my travel benefits. September was tough. The first trip was very hard and I cried multiple times, right into people's diet coke! Everyone was very nice, and trust me I told EVERYONE what was wrong. So, I went into October thinking.. "I will quit soon, but I have to work for the next few months, so I will do it."

Here is the good news, I am going into November with a much different attitude. I am excited about it. I have come to the conclusion, that I need to work. It helps my attitude, it helps my state of mind, and it, well, just helps! A couple of my mom friends told me to hang onto it. That it was part-timeish and I would be thankful for it. I did not believe them, NOT AT ALL.

I still get a bit jealous of the SAHM friends, when I have to miss something, or Gates has to miss something.

Now, just so you know, these are my thoughts as I begin November, I will let you know how I feel after dealing with the holiday travelers, and the busiest travel day of the year. My attitude going into December might very well be DRAMATICALLY different!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

People in Tuscon are weird. What is it with Tuscon? I never knew that before today. Maybe they were just visiting, but what a bunch of strange birds...
Oh, and 2 of the said birds, were drunk. It was a 9:30 departure and they were already drunk. They were not happy about us not giving them any drinks. We did not even have anything but vodka, but I told them we did not have anything. Poor drunk fools.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pickle Beginning.

Many years ago, as a young girl, I took a plane ride. It was then, when I was probably around 8 years old that I wanted to become a stewardess, aka, flight attendant. This dream lasted all through high school, and then through college. When I graduated college I was hired on as a flight attendant and have been making my way across the USA for the last 8.5 years!
I come across crazy people, nice people, mean people, movie star people, legless people, blind people, stinky people, fragile people, basically any kind of person there is, I think I have seen them! I was quite, scratch that QUITE, narrow minded when I began this job. I have learned about many things, and seen some things, I NEVER thought I would see. It is an interesting job, the good thing about it is, nothing is ever the same! I am never going to have a predictable day. I meet lots of interesting folks, and some duds too. This aspect of my life is a small one, but a funny one, and sometimes pretty entertaining.