Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I met these two very nice guys on my last trip. I started talking to them and discovered they were on their way to meet with some attorneys regarding a terrible thing that happened to them on another airline. Now, this is unsettling. I believe they were bullied, and embarrassed, and should be at least apologized to. This is the website they created, and I warn you it's bad ... I for one will be rooting for Christopher, and Mitchell.

Friday, February 3, 2012

New job ideas

With the awesome announcement of yet 500 more layoffs, I have been considering my future.

Here are the top five jobs I will consider,
1) birthday train conductor. Yours truly is ready to build a train. (dad, may I have your golf cart and lawn mower?)
2) florist... I always have thought this would be a fun job and my dad works in an industry where he could get me some customers.
3). Errand runner.... I was always responsible for buying cigs and beer for my very good old lady friend, Virginia. I figured there are lots of seniors that need beer and can't drive.
4). Poem writer. Do you need to make a toast? For a birthday, wedding, or roast? I will help you, so you can be proud. When you get up and speak to a crowd.
5). last but not least, I have considered being a critic. I like to read, eat, and watch movies. I would be willing to review things for pay. This one seems like a bit of a longshot. Really, only my mom cares what I think of movies and books. However, in most of my new job options she will probably be my only customer...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


OK. I work for a company going through bankruptcy. I know I am not the first. I know I will not be the last. But, this is absolutely terrible. I am amazed at the news today. I have been a flight attendant 12 years, my anniversary is Valentine's Day. That's right, 12 years. 12 YEARS and my seniority still places me in the bottom 2300 flight attendants. This brings me to a fairly annoying question that well meaning people often ask. Will this news about AA affect you? Like I said, I know it is asked with well-meaning, but DUH!!! 13,000 layoffs will most certainly have substantial consequences to anyone employed there.

So, the magic flight attendant number is 2300. There are about 16500 total flight attendants. This percentage is worse than the original numbers set out post 9/11.

To me, this is what makes it worse: There will be no disruption of service. The remaining flight attendants, that are not furloughed, will be expected to work that much more. Work more, make less.

This industry is so different than most careers out there, and is governed by a contract that is agreed upon by the company and the union. The proposed changes in the contract make me equally as sick, as the prospect of losing my job. Well, maybe not equally, but both are extremely disturbing. It is called a term sheet. It is the first (and please God) worst proposal for pay, benefits, and work rules. I am trying to think of a funny name for it. Obviously, shit keeps coming to mind instead of sheet.

Now, the other thing that people say (and I'm unsure if they mean well) is, "at least you have a job."

To those people, I say yes, today I have a job. And it's one that I love. However, the aforementioned effects of today's news, still have me slightly irritated and quite concerned.