Monday, January 18, 2010

I might hate hotels, but I LOVE celebrities. I do not know why, but when there is one on the plane I get sooo excited! Some are nice, some are not nice, almost all are tiny. The only big ones are the athletes. The nicest celeb I have ever had onboard, was Shelly Long, she was soo nice and real. My favorite was probably Jeff Probst, and that is because I am a die hard Survivor fan. The most beautiful, was Jessica Biel. She looked exactly like she does on TV. As a matter of fact, I did not know how I knew her at first and asked her if she went to AHS.... lame, I know... Although Kieth Urban was also very good looking. I never thought so before I saw him. He was also very nice.
The least attractive, and I mean this in the nicest way, was Juliette Lewis. She was nice, though, and probably only unattractive b/c she did not try to look attractive. She was slightly unusual and in coach.
The most risque I have seen was Quincy Jones, who was making out with a young girl. Probably early 20s....
The worst is a tie. Michael Johnson (gold shoe, gold medal Olympic runner) or Tony Dorsette. These two were both so rude and so not heroic. A little boy tried to get the olympians autograph and he said no. Rudely....
Sometimes I do not know who they are. I had some sports guy, Bob Costas, on one time and we were talking and he was telling me how he has two houses.... I start telling him how I had two houses and blah blah... (I was based in STL, so I had a crashpad.... hardly the same thing)... I was kinda embarrassed when I found out who he was... He was really short... also VERY nice...
Like I said, they are almost always tiny people....


Ruth said...

What a treat! Two of these posts in two days! I love these stories, Mal! Keep 'em coming!

Meggan and Trent said...

I love this post. I am sad that Michael Johnson was a jerk. :( I saw him run at Baylor and he was incredible. I rode up in an elevator with Bob Costas once - you are right - very short. When did you see Jessica Biel? and where was Justin?? :)

Mallie&Brandon said...

I had Jessica on before she was with Justin. It was from nyc to bos, I think...

Mallie&Brandon said...

and I was really disappointed in MJ too. He had just won all the medals and should (IMO) been more gracious...