Friday, November 7, 2008

Just so you know, Flight Attendants are not supposed to lift passenger's bags into the overhead bins. You would be shocked how many people sit down bag in aisle and ask me to put it up for them. Usually, I just tell them I am pregnant, so no, I will not lift your bag... Anyways, my friend Mark, who is no longer a f/a, once had a passenger in the bulkhead, request for Mark to get his bag down. Mark looked at the guy and said something along the lines of..."Why don't you get up and get it yourself" Guy's reply, "I would if my legs were not paralyzed." OOPS. This story always goes thru my mind when someone asks me to get a bag down....


Zoe-D said...
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Zoe-D said...

I love this blog! I've even read a couple of your posts to Steven. Since he's a fairly frequent flier, I figure he can appreciate some of this even more than I do.

Prazaks said...

LOL!! I didn't know you had another Blog!! You are too funny. :)) Poor Mark..

The Hake Family said...

That is a perfect Mark story.