Monday, March 12, 2012

Lent makes me think.
My mom always said people die in Lent. I don't think more people really do die (I know most die in December bc my dad is in the business). But our reflections on death might be a little different in Lent. At least mine are. More somber, more mournful, also a little bit more peaceful.

A good friend's mother died. Today, I spent about two hours in the car with my mother (and kids). I was driving mom to take a plant and give a hug to our special friend. I was sad because it pains me, really pains me to think of my mother dying. Mom was sad, but differently. She has lost her mother. She knows, really knows the pain of the surviving daughter. She was telling me that people die, but they are with us. In our mannerisms, in the way we think, in our actions. That our loved ones are with us. That the important thing is to bring the good from these people and incorporate that into our lives.

Kind of like Lent. It's about the good. About being kind, loving one another, being ready and available, cleansing our hearts.

My heart goes out for the pain of my friend. Her tears silenced me. This person is Joyful, She is kind, and compassionate. Her mother is visible. You can see her. You can feel her.

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