Thursday, May 14, 2009

I have one question, and one question only. (This is amazing for me, if you know how I LOVE to ask questions!!!)

Who uses shower caps in hotels?


Unknown said...

Not me

Unknown said...

Sorry I was logged in as Jon above, although I'm guessing he doesn't either : )


Meggan and Trent said...

Not me - but I do like to bring them home for when I deep condition. :)

Aggie99 said...

I DO!!! :) And like Meggan, I always steal an extra for home so I can use them later (and not for deep conditioning but more on a regular basis). Yeah, I'm a super dork that way. I've even considered getting a "fancy" shower cap. :)

Mallie&Brandon said...

OK, I am going to start bringing them to yall! I am glad to know that people use them, and maybe if I didn't have such crappy, thin, hair, I could go a day without washing it...

Mommy of Two said...

I usually collect all of the toiletries (shower caps and all) and once I have a decent collection I donate everything to the women's shelter.

Mrs. Curlee said...

I love the Mommy of two that donates to a woman's shelter. What a great idea.