Saturday, June 27, 2009

During the summer something sad happens. Well, it happens and exists all the time, but I notice it tenfold in the summer. Kids going back and forth from mom to dad, to mom. Today on the plane I was talking a woman about my age and her daughter. The little girl was probably 4 or 5. The mom was taking her daughter to her ex-husband for the summer, and leaving her... She started crying. I started crying. It is so sad, but happens on almost every single flight during the summer. Usually the kids are alone traveling between mom and dad. So sad. Sometimes they do not want to go. Sometimes they are excited to go. I feel sad for these kids and for the parents that do not get to be with their kids all the time.


Ruth said...

I have been thinking a lot about divorce lately (thanks to Jon and Kate). I think it IS so,so sad. I can't imagine being shuffled or being the parent that doesn't have the kid. Not to mention not having your spouse. Horrible all the way around.

The Hake Family said...

That's so sad : (